Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Switchback

View from the Top of the Switchback.

Some things need to be kept a secret and the area where I park to access the switchback is one that I am keeping. Yes, I want you to go out and explore, but I can't give you everything. If you want to go to the Switchback it is shown on my map, but you will probably have to take the long path to get there. This is mostly out of courtesy for those who live near where I park. This is another location with a history relating to the coal mines in this region of PA. If you are interested in the history of this site please visit this link The Switchback and click on Switchback History on the left side bar. I found the Switchback not because of its history, but because it sat on a mountain I had never climbed before.
        One day while at Glen Onoco I looked up at the mountain on which the Switchback sits and I saw a large rock outcropping. I decided to find a way up there and I eventually I did. I found trails and made my way to the top. No matter what trail you take to the top it is not easy. Some are very long, but flat and others are shorted, but incredibly steep. The view is worth it though. The picture above was taken on an overcast day and it still was not that bad of a view. If you wander around enough on the top you will find the remnants of an old train bridge and the car pictured below. The car still puzzles me. Currently there are no roads to get there and with the height of the trees there has not been for about thirty years. The only option would have been to come up the Switchback cut also pictured below.
Mystery Car at the Top.
Switchback Cut was Once Rails.

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