Wednesday, November 17, 2010


RiverView Park. Rules and Regs.

One of the newest parks along the Lehigh River Riverview came into existence only about four years ago. It started with the boat ramp pictured below and a couple pull off access sites. Until this past Sunday I thought that was all that it was. To my surprise I found a brand new disc golf course outside of the main parking lot, pics below. On the opposite end of the main parking lot from the course it looks as though something else is being added to the park. A large area has been clear. It may just be an addition to the parking area or it may be a new surprise coming soon.   
     This is a great launch point for kayaks and canoes. Make sure they have the proper tags though, this like all of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission access sites is patrolled. I would not suggest launching a powered boat here but I have seen individuals do so. The river gets shallow quickly both up and down stream and small rapid sections can be found in both directions. This past summer I started using this access for night fishing. Out of three tries at this location I only pulled up one small catfish, you can try it too, but if you would like better places contact me and I can suggest some. Or keep reading my blog because some of the better fishing sites are coming up soon.

PFBC Boat Ramp.
View from the Ramp.
Disc Golf.
Score Cards and Pencils Ready.
Can You See the Hole?

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